President Nicolás Maduro Approaches the Workers in the Framework of His International Day

May 1, 2024 Hour: 7:09 pm
On Wednesday, President Nicolás Maduro, after joining workers on the street, met with oil workers from the state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela SA, to announce a series of announcements and reforms for the working class.
Venezuelans Join the Celebrations of International Labor Day
The head of state pointed out that Venezuela is fighting in two directions: against the blockade, against sanctions and surnames; and for economic growth, development and the recovery of the social welfare state of the working class in a progressive way.
Precisely, he stressed that the leading role of the working class in the defense of socioeconomic rights was manifested in the simultaneous mobilizations in Caracas, Bolivar and Falcón, where “they have impressed with their joy, fervor and commitment”.
An example of this was in the province of Guayana where more than 20 thousand workers filled the streets in a demonstration that “we are at the forefront of the struggle for the liberation of peoples, for the vindication of the people and workers”added the governor of the state of Bolívar, Ángel Marcano.
En cadena nacional de radio y televisión, el presidente @NicolasMaduro valoró la participación del pueblo que se lanzó a la calle a decir: “¡Biden, levanta las sanciones ya!”
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen)
May 1, 2024
En cadena nacional de radio y televisión, el presidente @NicolasMaduro valoró la participación del pueblo que se lanzó a la calle a decir: “¡Biden, levanta las sanciones ya!”
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen)
May 1, 2024
The text On national radio and television, the president
Nicolas Maduro
appreciated the participation of the people who took to the streets to say: “Biden, lift the sanctions now!”
“If anyone knows the surnames it is the working class of Guyana, a working class that confronted them when they were in government, that defeated the neoliberal process they wanted to impose and, in the streets, we managed to defeat the privatizing model when in 1998 we took Commander Hugo Chávez to the Presidency of the Republic,” he said.
On the other hand, the president during the meeting with the workers stated, “We were in PDVSA a few days ago, there started a day in a first stage (…) because days before, at the request of the extremist right of the surnames, the United States of America took new sanctions against PDVSA, what did they do harm? they hurt, but we are already going back, and with own effort nothing and no one will stop us. We will grow at the level of the oil, gas, petrochemical and economic industry with own effort, guaranteed the president
In addition, it also announced the increase of the minimum integral income of workers to 130 dollars, “the minimum, and that it increasingly impacts the capacity of workers, meaning that this year, from January to May, we have impacted 86% the minimum integral income.
#Entérate El presidente @NicolasMaduro denunció chantaje permanente del imperio norteamericano y dijo que, tras el anuncio de Estados Unidos, se generaron perdidas parciales por encima de los 2 mil millones de dólares para este cuatrimestre en los ingresos
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen)
May 1, 2024
#Entérate El presidente @NicolasMaduro denunció chantaje permanente del imperio norteamericano y dijo que, tras el anuncio de Estados Unidos, se generaron perdidas parciales por encima de los 2 mil millones de dólares para este cuatrimestre en los ingresos
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen)
May 1, 2024
The text reads,
The president
Nicolas Maduro
denounced permanent blackmail from the North American empire and said that, after the United States’ announcement, partial losses of more than 2 billion dollars were generated for this quarter in income.
Step by step, we go far and recover the income of workers, the income of the country (…) doing much with little,” said President Maduro.
Likewise, Maduro announced the construction of 2 million more homes, to reach 7 million decent ceilings and “put organized workers, the working class, at the center of the effort”, accompanied by the signing of the Law on Housing and Habitat Provision for the working class, workers and the Venezuelan family.
Among other announcements Nicolás Maduro announced the Special Law of Contribution of Employers for the Protection of Pensions against the imperialist blockade, in the context of tax justice, in the context of La Gran Misión Abuelos y Abuelas by Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez.
#Noticia En las calles, la clase obrera exige levantar sanciones contra Venezuela
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen)
May 1, 2024
#Noticia En las calles, la clase obrera exige levantar sanciones contra Venezuela
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen)
May 1, 2024
The text reads,
In the streets, the working class demands the lifting of sanctions against Venezuela
In the area of women’s rights, Venezuela will provide 50,000 new Credimujer credits for the same number of enterprises, in order to generate thousands of jobs and good income for women.
As a final announcement, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reported on
Bicentennial Bank, which will become the first digital financial institution in the history of the country. “It will be the digital bank of the working class,” and “I give it to workers to generate microcredit, loans, financial support, entrepreneurship, access to financial services,” the president added.
#LIVE: The President of #Venezuela #NicolásMaduro, announced that he will create new lines of credit for entrepreneurs, and will strengthen credit for women.
He also announced the creation of the first digital bank in Venezuela.
����— teleSUR English (@telesurenglish)
May 1, 2024
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Autor: teleSUR/ CC
Fuente: prensapresidencial